EcoAid supports the Climate and Health Alliance's campaign to reduce single-use plastics. CAHA has developed a one-page fact sheet called Reducing Single-use Plastics in Healthcare. It identifies the problem -98% of single-use plastics are made from fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases and drive climate change - and then provides five examples of healthcare institutions that have significantly reduced their consumption of plastic products.
The Fact Sheet then provides an 8 step plan to help you reduce your plastic consumption in your healthcare institution. We support this plan but suggest that the fourth step, Develop a plan and make your case, should include identifying committed suppliers like EcoAid, who are committed to planetary health, and who produce sustainable products designed to reduce single-use plastics.
You can download the Fact Sheet here:
Please feel free to contact us at EcoAid if you need any information about how our products can help you reduce plastics in healthcare. You can access our product catalogue.